Thursday, 4 June 2015

Deathly Methly

THAT DEADBEAT METHADONE clinic have given me a script that's one day short, so I have to fly in there. I really hate going in that place. The appointments are only every 2 weeks, but somehow it feels like every 2 days.

My methadone dose has gone up again. A few weeks ago I went a whole week feeling ill and thinking the pharmacy had "somehow" watered my dose. Then he gave me a weekend script in a big old bottle that was the ready-mixed type (no margin for error then ~ the other type comes as a green syrup and they have to add a stronger methadone mixture so there have been stories over the years about pharmacists forgetting to add any at all. Or selling the strong stuff off.)

Of course I want to get off it but I can never stay stable for long enough. It's not as if I drink or take any other drugs apart from the odd bit of the "other". Also I keep catching illnesses like flu. The real flu. Not withdrawals. And other things. So there's always something. (A brilliant excuse.)

Oh I don't know. I didn't go to bed last night and I can't think straight. I've got to go. All the best to everyone. Hi Dreamer.