Monday, 21 May 2012

I Must Give Up

I HAVE to give up drinking ~ yet again. Most day in the past week it had gone up to 3 half-litre cans of white cyder 7.5%ABV. That's 11.25 alcoholic units (112.5mls neat alcohol) per day. The days I didn't drink 3 cans, I drank 2. Today I've had one, and I'm leaving it at that. Three cans of that cyder amount to approximately 1050 Calories. That's way too much.

Last night  dreamt I was in my friend Rebsie's dank and derelict house. Possessions were strewn everywhere, or packed into boxes. Rebs is in rehab still, coming off a 30 year plus drink and heroin addiction. In the dream our other friend, Mother Hubbs was in the house, helping to pack up. In real life Hubbs is clean and thin enough to be unrecognizable.

Whereas I was once the one leading the way ~ the only person I knew even to have been to an NA meeting outside prison or rehab; and the only person who thought he wanted to stop, even if my outlook was delusional. Now only one of my old group of friends uses heroin ~ and that's only once a month. I know one other person who takes heroin every week and somehow seems not to be physically dependent. That person is the exception to numerous rules.

But anyway, they've all left me behind.

And here I am, trailing in the dust.



  1. It doesn't matter on the speed or the length of the journey, what matters is that it is yours and you are making progress

  2. Can't wait to be off the 'orrible methadone though!

  3. Hey,
    listening to tune, nice tune but its one of those that sounds better with chemicals racing through your veins. Anyway I thought I left you a message yesterday but it seems to have gotten lost. It went something along the lines of the more energy you spend the more energy you get. Whether there's any truth in that I don't know , but what I do know is that the less you do, the more inclined you are to do even more less.
    & Madonna is most definately the Queen of Pop !
    Take care Gledwood... Karl

  4. I dont know what your drinking.Is it like whiskey?I like my wine,Tisdael.I hope you get back my anti robot words are drykill and ivigin;-0

  5. Karl: Madonna the Queen of Pop, o yeah. Michael Jackson crowned HIMSELF "King of Pop"... did you know that.

    As for that tune, it reminds me of a time when I was too ill to take chemicals, I had chronic fatigue syndrome...

    ... as for making energy, yeah you're right. I'm so tired a lot of the time because I'm so very unfit!

    Bev: whiskey? If only! No, 'orrible white cyder (7.5% ABV) a lot of the time. Or posh strawberry or cherry cyder (5%) when I'm feeling flush...

  6. Im going to try peruading you in my best Mae West voice,come up and see me sometime.I posted a hot pic of myself;-)

  7. OK darlin' I'm comin' right over!

  8. Just keep telling yourself that you can get clean and will have a good life. I know that you can have both.

