Friday, 6 July 2012

"Healthy Eating"

THIS IS ONE of my favourite meals. At least, it's one of the easiest to make. And that makes it my favourite...

Actually, mine is chunky cod and it's in batter. Same difference, I suppose...

I have it with

American-style curly fries. Do these even come from America? I get them from

And I round it off with

My contribution towards the five portions a day of fruit and veg we're meant to consume.

Well 5 tomatoes = 5 portions, does it not?


And just to top it off, if you've ever wondered how "love soft as an easy chair, love fresh as the morning air..." sounds in French, here's Babs singing a Gallic "Evergreen":~~~


  1. ООО СКАЛДИС - профессиональные программы для АСУ, научные изыскания и проектирование ПО.

    На основе своего обширного опыта оказываем самые разнообразные IT-услуги, как в сфере научно-исследовательских разработок, так и написание ПО всех уровней сложности. Одно из направлений деятельности нашей фирмы - проведение изысканий в области диэлектрической и флуктуационно шумовой спектроскопии, исследований в области электронного парамагнитного резонанса и ядерной магнитной спектроскопии, разработка систем контроля качества в промышленности и систем управления технологическими процессами, а также различного ПО.

  2. I don't know if curly fries come from the States but I sure see them in a bunch of restaurants and stores and love the "zesty" kind!!

  3. Z: I've never had the zesty kind... I have squeezed lemon juice all over 'em, so I s'pose that makes 'em zestier, dunnit...?

    Akelamalu: aye. When I signed up with the new doctors they asked me if I ate fish more than twice a week, when I'd eaten it nearly every day. I felt really healthy and a modicum of good behaviour. Or a paragon. Modicum; paragon... who cares?>>....??

  4. I love everything! The fish cakes Yum! I love curly fries they sell them at Arby's and in the market.Delish!

  5. Fish is meant to be really good for you. The doctor's surgery couldn't believe I actually ate it more than 4 times per week. At one point I ate it every day. I think I was an otter in a past life...

