Friday, 3 August 2012

Famous Chinese Names And What They Mean...

MAO Zedong: 毛澤東 (毛泽东)Hair Benefit East

Wen Jiabao (China's current premier)  溫家寶  (温家宝)Temperature Home Treasure

Hu Jintao (former premier) 胡錦濤 (胡锦涛) Foreign Tapestry Waves

Yang Jiechi (Chinese foreign minister) 杨洁篪 Young Clean Bamboo Flute

Li Bai (famous poet) 李白 Plum White

Ai Weiwei (artist and architect)  艾未未 Love Not Not

Ye Shiwen (amazing young women's swimming record-breaker) 葉詩文 (叶诗文) Leaf Poetry Text

Sean Chen (Taiwan's premier) 陳冲 (陈冲) Display Pour Boiling Water Over


  1. Those are pretty names.XoXOXo

  2. I wish they would use the translated names on the news etc. It would sound far more poetic!

  3. great blog, gives me a lot of strength.

    the other week stayed up for an entire night making a new calender system

    it is crazy stuff to be doing, i wonder if it might be better for me to get a craft and that way i can busy myself at night when manic, produce huge amounts of tat and then sell it all from bed when i'm down.

    anyway, keep up the work dude, you amaze me :)

  4. I once found a youtube by this woman who had done art while "cycling up" as she put it... going 3 days, 4 days, 5 days... longer up up up through paranoia into grandiosity higher and higher, into the mental unit, still manic. She talks us through the art she did and the last one is just exploding with manic vibrancy. It was kind of scary as well...

    I tried googling it but can't find it. I posted it up on my blog... SOMEWHERE...

