Saturday, 15 December 2012

Climbing Higher

IT'S STILL FREEZING cold and the weather's terrible. As I write this I'm going to try to get some sleep. Because I was up till well past 5am last night and couldn't sleep at all. Then in the mid-morning I might have managed 90 minutes or a bit more.

I tried sleeping round my friend Binky's house, but my mind was in such a constant rant, and I was thinking too many things.

Last night the lights on the street started looking exceptionally beautiful, and I feel a sense of extreme energy and wonderful calm all rounded into one.

I tried writing my feelings in the early hours, but ended up with my mind a good three sentences ahead of my pen, so in the end, I couldn't remember what I was writing at all...(!)

My mood has been elevated, irritable and expansive ~ all three. But I'm really really tired. And I really wanna try and sleep.

Have a cheery weekend everyone ;-) .


  1. Love the images, Gleds. Hope you got some sleep. Happy Sunday. x

  2. I'm glad you like the fireworks... (and the birds of paradise too?)... there is nothing like a good animated gif, which for some reason reminds me of a fart... animated GUF ~~ aha! you see that's why I hope Simi has not been baying lately ~~ I saw a porkie in the supermarket with chocolate drop eyes going absolutely NUTS the other week. It was so cute and entertaining but EVER SO UPSET. Poor doggie...

