Monday, 17 December 2012

No More Ranty Pants

UKH. I wish I hadn't ranted away like that in the last post of nearly an hour ago. I was sitting in an internet cafe and running out of time, with nothing specific to report. So I ended up ranting every trivial little thing to cross my mind.

What would you rather have...? A partridge in a pear tree, or a parrot in an elm? I'd go for the parrot...

Oh my face feels like it is covered in soap. Why does it do that?

And my possibly perforated eardrum feels like it's leaking pus into my outer ear canal. I'm getting an emergency doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.

I love this psychedelic animation.

PS 13:13 hrs I have no idea what this chart actually means but LOOK ~~ ANTIDEPRESSANTS ARE BAD!! (To the best of my knowledge, shorter bipolar cycles are paradoxically considered "worse" than long ones.)

