Chirpy miniature parrots love attracting attention in any way possible...
Some give their owner a good peck, while colour-coordinating nicely with their nails...
Others pretend to smoke cigars...
The one on the right loves practising his urban dance moves on luxury housewares ...

Headbutting meets with weary disinterest ...
Imagine his surprise when the shelf-stacker at Tescos opened a case of wine only to find this rainbow of feathery illegal immigrants gaggling in the box...
Upside-down entertainment ...
This pair go one better, chirping an inverted duet ...
A shock of colour can be shocking enough ...

Comfortably congregating for a conversation on the carpet ...
Cuddling up with kitty ...

After a hard day's showing off their glowing colours, the feathery entertainers need a well-earned nap ...
Beautiful colours . . . I actually have a real phobia of birds, but can still appreciate their beauty . . . ON screen.
I hope you're feeling settled and good. room,
Yes I think I know when I'm upstairs (without knowing)
When I had my eldest Son, I was admitted to a ground floor room, taken later to theatre (God knows where) for a caesarean, and finally left on a ward with a closed blind after dark . . . After sleeping a while, my nicotine addiction got the better of me and I went to find a lift to take me "down" for a cig . . . How did I know I was above ground level? . . . No, this is not a trick question; I just wonder how I knew.
OK, I have to go clean out all the hamsters. Your babies have grown; I'll get a photo of you with them, Take care and enjoy . . . with love x
How old do the babies have to be before you can safely handle them without the parents going nuts and deciding to have them for dinner? Yeah please put up some more pixx :-)
Anna you cow, answer my urgent queries. How can I sleep not knowing what precise dose of adderall you are on? And what the difference is between xr and normal, high-wise. Come to think of it, why does your doc want you on baby speed when you're already bipolar and you say it makes you panicky? What benefit can an ADHD drug have for you?
One other thing I don't get: what happens to ADHD sufferers in adulthood ~ are they still hyperactive with no attention span? Or what.
Get in touch darling. Leave a beautiful comment about today's performing lovebirds.
Come to London and marry me.
These are so adorable!! Hubby and I were just researching lovebirds today. Interesting timing, huh? Maybe it's a sign.:) I want a baby birdie to snuggle, desperately.
You know in London, at least, they cost the same as budgies? No more than £30 or $50 US each. The local birdman had a single one in stock a couple of months ago. It was eyeing me with great affection. If you buy a single lovebird it falls in love with YOU. He said the woman who bought it is completely smitten. Only thing is, if you had one bird that was so in love with you it would be unfair unless you spent most of your days at home. I think if/when I get them I'd get at least 2...
I love the colors of the birds.
Sorry you had problems posting on my blog. Blogger is giving problems again.
Yes it registered my comments as "anonymous" even though I was logged in here! Put them up, as if they'd got through, then removed them again as soon as my back was turned!
My dr. thinks I've no attention spam at all, because when I see him (now twice a week) I fly from topic to topic. I told the dr. I did not want the speed, but he kept at me. I finally agreed as long as it was instant release Adderal, and a lower dose. We agreed at 10mg twice a day, but I do not have to take them if I don't want to. Which on 30mg extended release caused me many problems with my moods and anxiety.
How do I explain this? Extended release (xr) stayed in my system for long periods of time and there is no way to stop the effects, which I often wished I could after an hour or three. With the rapid release the medication hits fast and hard. Giving off lots of chemical in my brain causing a good feeling, I'd go as far as yo say I get high. I'm able to concentrate for long periods of time. Long in my mind anyway. Just as the positive effects are wearing off, and the side effects are becomming noticable, the drug is out of my system and those negative side effects go away quickly. If it were the xr those side effects lasted all day and into
the night. So a smaller dose released fast into the blood stream, less negative effects. Larger dose released over a long period more negative effects and those effects last longer. I do not take the medication every day and I never take more than one pill a day. So in a perfect world I should have no effects on my mood. If you have more question leave a comment on my blog, and if for some reason my blog will not let you comment please take the time to email me to let me know so I can remedy the situation.
xoxo Anna Grace
So you're saying you're better off on instant release than XR? Why not go instant release then?
That's what my gut-feeling tells me would be best anyhow. At least then you take something, it peaks, it wears off. It should not interfere with your sleep... which an XR pill might well do... lasting hours and hours after taking it and all...
I still don't quite get how you're OK on dexamphetamine when it could so easily set off a bipolar episode... Doesn't your psychiatrist care about this? Don't you care? Please explain...
When you wrote in times past you made it sound like a totally different doctor was giving the Adderall as was giving the rest of the bipolar mood-stabilizing medications.......
So what's going on then???? come on!
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